We offer a free local delivery service for many West London postcodes, those applicable are detailed below, covering a huge part of West London.

Our minimum order for local delivery is £20.95. There is no minimum for collection or telephone orders.

For telephone orders or collections please call 02088923710.

We deliver on Tuesdays and Fridays, with a 10AM cut off on those days for same day delivery. 

  We also offer a next working day nationwide delivery service, which covers all UK mainland addresses.

This is free for all orders of £50 or more, for orders below this the courier cost is £7.95.

We aim to please here at Real Drinks, but if for any reason you are unhappy with the goods you have received or wish to exchange/ change an order please email and we will fix the problem.

Likewise, if you are in in store customer unhappy with your purchase pop back into the shop and we will do our best to accommodate you.